Friday, January 30, 2009

Santa Rita

Estamos comenzando la estacion seca...todo se torna marron, menos las santa ritas que tapizan el campus.

Friday, January 16, 2009

De's Wedding

Friend's Wedding...

The car the bride arrived in...kinda cool, huh?

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De's Wedding 1

The radiant bride...
La Nan...sister of the bride

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Tuesday, January 06, 2009


View from the front yard at sunset...

Excited about being at the beach? Or chilled by the cold ocean water and trying to warm up?

Edit: there were pictures here...suddenly they disappeared...don´t know why... Can you see them now?


New Year's Dessert..."Masas Finas"...yummy tiny pastries
Main Dish: Vegetarian Paella (although normally not a rice fan, I must admit this was good!)

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