Sunday, September 28, 2008

"Amazing Cultures" Show @ MC

(click on photo to view large size)
Snapshots from "around the world" our cultural show...L-R Back row: Marlise & yours truly with our Japanese students, Daniel, Maria (from Spain), Marlise and Cynthia (from Honduras), me with two Thai students. L-R Front row: Me with Soo, a very sweet Korean student, graceful Chinese group, Argentinean tango troupe.

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Tangueros y Chinita Trucha :)

(click on photo to view large size)
MC organized an "Amazing Cultures" show. Yours truly and two other Argentineans improvised an item.
Nuestro colegio organizo una "noche cultural"...jeje... Marlise & Daniel hicieron de tangueros, luego de que yo entrara al son de "El Humahuaqueno", fuera rechazada por el "dandy Daniel", y me cayera de traste (las alpargatas de yute y el piso alfombrado no son una buea combinacion)...en fin, lo que hacemos por un cacho de cultura, por favor...tambien pusimos un powerpoint con preguntas para la audiencia (sobre Argentinos famosos y etc), y a los que acertaron, les regalamos empanadas "dorimarliseanas"...a que no adivinan con que las rellenamos!? :)

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Friday, September 26, 2008

Field Tripping :)

On Wednesday (Sept. 24) we took the whole ESL Dept. on a field trip to Bang Pa In Palace and Bang Sai Arts and Crafts Center. The sweet little old lady had a huge pile of hats for sale (100 baht each), all woven by her gnarly hands. I think you can see patience firmly etched in the myriad of wrinkles that grace her smiling face.

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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Pasados por agua...Rainy season at MC...

There used to be a small "peninsula" in one of our campus ponds (backgroud, center of picture, where the tufts of grass poke out of the water)...manyrainy moons later, it is no more...It's been raining daily (duh...'tis the season) and heavily...wish it would stop...especially because I keep forgetting to take my umbrella at the appropriate times!

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