Friday, March 20, 2009

Grocery shopping finds

Isn't it pretty? It had orange-red spots and this gold fleck below its head...kind of like a gold leaf smudge.
Found this beetle as I was walking down the steps in front of "Happy Mart"...I handed my bags to someone and rummaged through my purse to find my camera...(the steps happen to be quite uneven and high...and I was wearing a shortish skirt, bending over and trying to get a good shot and not fall in the process...I can just imagine the people around me thinking "There's that weird farang again...with her little pink camera...hasn't she ever seen a bug before? Hrrmph..." :)

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Monday, March 09, 2009

A day of showers

...literally, of many own 3, (because it was sooo hot), rain showers (vive le humidity!), and the nicest one, for a friend's baby.

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Friday, March 06, 2009

Through Hail and Back

Well, this is a collage of what I've been up to lately...well, me and the weather...Last Saturday it hailed in MC, Thailand. I didn't think you could get hail here...goes to show how much I know! Early the following morning my whole Department went on a camp...95 students and 8 teachers...let's just say we've had better ideas :) But we survived. The place was nice, Khao Lem Ya, Rayong. You can see a small photo of the bungalow we stayed at (I'm not a big fan of camps or tents!).

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