Yup, this is the end of this blog.
Since I'm currently IN Argentina, the whole title wouldn't make much sense now, would it? :)
I've started a new one just in case anyone is still interested :)
Thanks for reading and commenting on this one for four years.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Friday, January 01, 2010
White Buddha and bugs
Went out with some friends to climb a gazillion steps to reach this Buddha image, close to where we live.
The view from the top.
Peacocks free to roam around the temple compound.
"Bugs" Around My House
(these have nothing to do with the previous images, but they were in the same folder, and I kind of like them, so why not?)

Buddha Statue,
Los latinoamericanos AIUanos de paseo en Kanchanaburi
(en realidad, cronologicamente este post ocurrio antes que el anterior de Phuket, pero bueno, salio asi.... :) )
Tiger Temple, Kanchanaburi
Walking with the tigers...you're instructed on where to pet it, where to stand, what to do and what not to do...
Lindo gatito...(via la camara de John. Gracias!)
Bridge over the River Kwai
Tiger Temple, Kanchanaburi
Photo session with the tigers (my memory stick ran out, so I only got two or three in...good enough)
Bridge over the River Kwai
Train going through.
Tow, tow, tow your...restaurant! Floating restaurants on the Kwai river.
Las chicas
Elephant Village
My elephant is the 2nd one, struggling through the water.
Traveling in style...(it was extremely hot...pulled out my umbrella, just like any other Asian girl would!)
Sacando cuentas...jeje
El grupete latino, de izq. a der.: Sendy Monarrez (Mexico), Yaniris Cordova (Mexico), Paola Bueno (Colombia), John Bueno(Colombia), Rosi Ortiz (Mexico), Daniel Bernhardt (Argentina), Marlise Bernhardt (Argentina), Erika Ixtepan (Mexico), yo.
Mini-vacation weekend in Phuket. Courtesy of Ron & Shawna (Thanks again!).
Aqua-chatting... took these pics with my cellphone, so the quality isn't that great, but the moments are!
The classic auto-picture, intended to prove that I was there, at this very nice beach, at this very nice resort, with those very nice friends :)
Watermelon & papaya art
The anti-topless activists.... by some random turn of events, we ended up at a beach where some European ladies had decided to go topless, so we decided to stage an anti-topless demonstration...hehe
The incredibly graceful duo, of reknown ballet fame...haha (via Daniel's camera. Gracias!)

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